I arrive early into Edinburgh and met with fluttering shadows and occasional warm fingers of early sunrise that are playing in and around the ramparts of Edinburgh Castle. I meet with a lovely person called Alison.

She is a reporter from British Forces Broadcasting Service and doesn’t flinch as she is met by me wearing a full on and fantastic looking Elvis costume with glimmering glasses, rings, and a rogue wig to boot… I am so glad that Smiffys have supported me with my fancy dress lunacy.

(I hasten to say the costume looks fantastic but I do not -situation normal!) I hope the filming went well. I hate being in front of these soul piercing cameras and I know I look and sound like Worzel Gummidge.
I do my best to be heard above the howling wind and traffic and the interview is quickly finished, due more to Alison and her slickness.
I’m left to run off and Alison departs to a cafe to get my interview quickly sent for today’s inclusion.
All manner of tourists start to trickle into the castle’s cobbled lanes and clog up its lifelines. I wish I had a £10 for the pictures that were being taken seen and unseen of yours truly, my £Target would be a lot closer. Upon approach the inquisitiveness has a way of melting into feigned ignorance. The city is a buzz with all manner of festivities which in some ways spells hardship as every 10 meters there is someone handing out flyers in a fancy dress outfit.
The day brightens and remains dry and I’m still battling these damn niggles. I’m trying everything, enough said.
With gritted determinations from myself and those wonderful people who are with me we go forth to try gather donations, support and awareness for the causes I’m fundraising for.
I take lessons (poorly imitated I’m sure) from the many talented mime artists and try frozen running poses with wheel chair but fear its a lot to take in for the already weary general public. Ideas are suggested. ” Sing, sing a song Elvis, go on!!” SORRY BUT NOOOO!! I would never unleash to the public any Elvis singing renditions, no one deserves that.

We do well and the day eventually closes in. A few more sheckles added to the kitty.
I am saddened that I’ve not had the chance to acquaint myself better with this fantastic city. It whispers to you in so many ways. You just have to listen and feel. So much history. It has a fantastic vibe about it and I determine to come back soon.
The rest of the night prevails as such:
R.I.C.E and guess what!??? More R.I.C.E!!!
Stretching, potions, lotions, witchcraft, promises to the gods all follow.