So its Saturday and up early!
Potions-lotions-pills- mutterings to the gods- stretching-groaning and losing my mind several times ( uuurrrr no comments please!!)
Also up revamping a few things on my wheel chair and for ‘Bessie’. She now has a cheery face. A bit like ‘ Wilson ‘ from the film ‘Castaway’.

Could be a “Where’s Bessie now!??” Theme.
After a very pleasant stay with friends Anne and Richard ( Thank you so very much for your kindness and generosity in all things!! ) I set off to the fantastic city of Edinburgh.

I’m praying my knee improves. I’m revamping self massage and stretching which is hard as its locked into the ankle injuries. A vicious cycle of knock on effects that sit me on a vertical knifes edge of doom.
So. I arrive. Stunning Edinburgh. The iconic Castle perching above, angrily looking down in disgruntlement at all of comings and goings of modern Edinburgh. She sits in grand and regal splendour. I look forward to getting up close with her when I meet the media pre-city marathon.
I change into fresh glad rags and fancy dress and go for a walk about to show off my ‘Bessie’ ( who now has a new smiley face ) and try and get some P.R and more importantly some donations. I am so very happy to have my right hand lady with me today to as I’m feeling very ‘worn and fragile’ and to do a walk about in fancy dress pushing ‘Bessie’ isn’t a ‘ barrel of laughs’. We do a few loops of the obvious places and have many ups and downs. Thankfully there are more ups and head home with a few more pounds to add to the kitty! It’s been a very long day with a even longer day in and around Edinburgh to come.
Love you all and bless all those kind souls today who showed an interest and donated!!