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Hi folks,

So we know that I pulled out of my first race 2 weeks ago 25-02-17 at the Trans Gran Canaria 125km Ultra. We know how and why.

Coming off this I admit I felt bitterly dissapointed but it was the right decision and I am using this positively. All of this explained in my last BLOG

So here I sit in reflection of the time since.

I rested completely for 9 days and by this I mean ‘Nothing!’ No other forms of exercise or stretching. ( I figured I needed a period this long to rest! )

Behind scenes logistical preparations for the next three ‘I can and I will’ challenges saw me still pulling 18 hour days and possibly a blessing in this regards I guess.

Gavin Sandford of Charity Ambassador Athlete Adventurer. Bob Graham Round 2017. logistical preparations for future challenges


On the 9th day I went for a steady run….Check out my run on Strava:

…and set off with an aim to run 40 to 50 km. In the end I managed 25km of which the last 5 k.m’s rapidly deterioted to an alternating and agonising 200 meter walk then a stretching routine. My calves and hips literally felt like they were being twisted, cut and dislocated. I had made a huge mistake in resting- ‘Nothing’ as I had.

I swore then that this will not occur again.

I have built into my daily routine a 20 minute A.m & P.m stretching routine which is definitely working. I am doing easy cycling rides and working on core exercises all helping.

I’ve also been trying to criticaly re-evaluate other areas like Mind, Body and Spirit.

I aim to get better sleep ( no more pen and pad by my bed – well for most days ) Have ‘Rest days’ and literally chill and not do anything. ( Very hard as I have 3 progressively HARDER EVENTS to prepare for…) I have booked off a day a week from work and this will be my ‘Rest day’…. ( It’s a huge financial loss/burden but hay..I live in a caravan now to try to achieve these goals of mine, so be it!! )…. I am going to have a full hour of Sports Physio and simply to try to reward myself with that and the day itself. I am also going to try to go to Paragliding, Meditation and Yoga and for once focus on me.

I have looked at other obvious areas and stopped ANY rubbish food ( I’m lucky, I’m fairly knowledgeable and strict with my nutrition/regime: so not much at all ) I truely believe Optimal Nutrition is a massive key for things like Health, Wellbeing and Rehabilitation. Gone are things like the occasional coffee or glass of wine ( Gueerrr 😠 ) and so on.

I am utterly focused on the upcoming Bob Graham Round attempt. It is a race that I had huge respect for and that is growing by the day and this initial and long weekend’s training has tripled that! The ‘Fat Lady’ definitely hasn’t even got out of bed for this!! I have allocated 70% of the upcoming weekend’s to travel to the Lakes to train and determine this is my absolute available max commitment I can do.

This weekend has so far seen me recce around the Wasdale area of the Lake District and on Saturday put in a 7 hour day and on Sunday a 6 hour day which was really tough in frankly really gnarly conditions both days.


Gavin Sandford of Charity Ambassador Athlete Adventurer. Bob Graham Round 2017. Going over Striding Edge. Lake District


Monday I spent training with a absolutely top chap called Charles Sproson. A highly experienced Elite Mountain Runner who’s often in the top 10% finishers in many of the toughest races in the U.k

He is also a skilled course planner for many iconic U.k races. So in essence the best person to get some expert coaching from. It was an awesome day. We covered a 20km route in and around his back yard in Glenridding that ascended 2000 meters with some serious grade 2 scrambling ( The trainers that used were definitely not up to the task ) a tight rope of exhilaration and ‘I’m gonna die’ prevailed through the day! ( All along I knew i was in the best hands!! ) A recipe I rather enjoyed!!!



Gavin Sandford of Charity Ambassador Athlete Adventurer. Bob Graham Round 2017. Going over Striding Edge. Lake District

If your in need of someone like Charles or his lovely wife’s amazing coaching abilities in ‘Nordic Walking’ or to participate in some iconic races that Charles runs then please have a look at his WWW

You can’t find better help!

This is where I am…less than 90 days to go for this Monstor Challenge… frankly it’s daunting!!!! I will say and do ” I Can and I Will ” as my mantra and I aim to be able to look in the mirror knowing that I’ve given ‘EVERYTHING’ to trying to succeed in this attempt.
A lot of friends are making up the Team for this and the pressure is huge and I will give it my all, to be able to look at myself, them and everyone else with my head high and true. This is all I can do.

Anyhow folks, I must dash as I have another day in the mountains brushing up on Navigation Skills with Charles….

‘ Can I? Will I? ‘

Many people ask me as to ‘Why‘ I do these challenges!? I do so to hopefully inspire others as to what is possible and to bring awareness about the urgent need for people to join the’ Bone Marrow’ and ‘Stem Cell’ registers. A simple and selfless act, that literally means you become a potential life saving match for someone.

For further details refer to

Say and do ‘I can and I will’ and register today. Be in place to save someone’s life.

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